Our exceptionally rated business seminars train soft skills and inspired performance through storytelling and the arts.
Kim Moke, Authenticity Coach leads unique Team Building and Executive Leadership seminars to improve presentation, interpersonal relationships and collaboration.
These 360 – degree interdisciplinary theater experiences are for professionals and businesses that strive for excellence in empathetic communication, personal development and new parameters.
Our specially designed Arts meet Business Me to We seminars incorporate doing, experimentation and courage to reinforce innovative communication and self-discovery. Leaders are prodded out of their safe space and become involved and engaged with themselves and their colleagues. They cross the border of self and learn to recognize the social aspect of what they do and how it can help the company.
Unlike other seminars participants “do it” first and discuss afterwards. All seminars combine various elements of artistic experimentation such as role-playing, language challenges, music and movement to physicalize the learning process. They “save” their new knowledge through mind – body activity.
This process has received consistently high ratings from business leaders worldwide.
Think Less –
Feel More!
Who is Kim Moke.
Kim Moke brings the creative arts into Executive Education Leadership programs addressing empathy, risk taking, self-reflection, courage and team awareness. Her goals for establishing high quality standards in the arts
has evolved into a unique combination of business training with artistic vision.
She is a global Changemaker for Leadership. Her diversified clients include top executives from the Auto-, Chemical- and Banking- industries and her evaluations are repeatedly in the highest percentile.
Kim creates projects for The London Business School and other institutions, and has presented seminars in Asia, South America, the USA and Europe. For decades as a artist, business owner and artistic director (educational institute) she has witnessed a significant change in the business world on a first hand basis: the Industrial Revolution top-down model is disappearing and The Digital Revolution is quickly transforming the workplace into a horizontal world of networking, sharing and direct communication flattening most hierarchies.
As a result Soft Skills i.e. People Skills are becoming immensely more important for leaders and teams.
With her coaching and modules Kim has proven that immersion into the theater arts reframes viewpoints and allows for change – individually and in a team. Risk taking, courage, self-confidence and trust are necessary to solve the challenges. People balance Thinking and Sensing.
years of experience as entrepreneur, artistic director and business owner
years global leadership and team building programs
self designed international projects USA, Asia, Europe, South America
global participants: performers, executives and business
- Executive Leadership Seminars
- What if we are not who we think we are?
- Authentic Team Building Seminars
- Want to inspire your workforce?
- Creative CEO Coaching
- What role are you playing?
My team of facilitators are experienced international professionals from the theater, music and dance world
Effective to stretch, to bring me out of my comfort zone.
A very interesting and unusual experience. You won't find it anywhere else
CEO Coaching
Interesting, unusual and energizing.
Kim Moke Stage Consult
Röntgenstrasse 53
D – 22335 Hamburg
Mobile: +49 173 354 3968
Graphic Recording: Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen
Photographer: LzMotaPhotos
Think Less – Feel More